Legal aspects of the first pillar of the European Banking Union

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Η μελέτη “The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) – Legal aspects of the first pillar of the European Banking Union” παρουσιάζει αναλυτικά το θεσμικό και κανονιστικό πλαίσιο λειτουργίας του Ενιαίου Εποπτικού Μηχανισμού (ΕΕΜ ή Single Supervisory Mechanism – SSM), ο οποίος αποτελεί τον πρώτο πυλώνα της Ευρωπαϊκής Τραπεζικής Ένωσης και τέθηκε σε ισχύ την 4η Νοεμβρίου 2014. Είναι γραμμένη στην αγγλική γλώσσα και δομείται σε επτά ενότητες.

Το πλαίσιο λειτουργίας του ΕΕΜ εντάσσεται στο νέο Ευρωπαϊκό Τραπεζικό Δίκαιο, το οποίο έχει διαμορφωθεί σταδιακά (και συνεχίζει να διαμορφώνεται) από το 2008, προκειμένου να αντιμετωπιστούν συστηματικά και (κατά το δυνατόν) αποτελεσματικά τα προβλήματα που ανέκυψαν τόσο από την πρόσφατη (2007-2009) διεθνή χρηματοπιστωτική κρίση, όσο και από την τρέχουσα (και συνεχιζόμενη) δημοσιονομική κρίση και κρίση χρέους στη ζώνη του ευρώ. Εν όψει της δεύτερης αυτής κρίσης, κρίθηκε σκόπιμο, μεταξύ άλλων, να δημιουργηθούν για πρώτη φορά ενωσιακοί θεσμοί σε σχέση με το τραπεζικό «προστατευτικό δίχτυ», γεγονός που οδήγησε στην καθιέρωση της Ευρωπαϊκής Τραπεζικής Ένωσης. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, με τον Κανονισμό του Συμβουλίου που διέπει τον ΕΕΜ (1024/2013) ανατέθηκαν «ειδικά καθήκοντα» μικρο-προληπτικής τραπεζικής εποπτείας στην Ευρωπαϊκή Κεντρική Τράπεζα, η οποία ανέλαβε πλέον και λειτουργία τραπεζικής εποπτικής αρχής.

Η μονογραφία φιλοδοξεί να αποτελέσει χρήσιμο εργαλείο στα χέρια νομικών και οικονομολόγων, οι οποίοι επιθυμούν να κατανοήσουν εις βάθος τη λειτουργία του πρώτου πυλώνα της Ευρωπαϊκής Τραπεζικής Ένωσης, και γενικότερα να είναι ενημερωμένοι για τις βασικές κατευθύνσεις της ευρωπαϊκής χρηματοπιστωτικής πολιτικής. Το έργο αυτό απευθύνεται, επίσης, σε φοιτητές της νομικής, οικονομικής και πολιτικής επιστήμης, αποτελώντας εργαλείο για εμβάθυνση στο Ευρωπαϊκό Τραπεζικό Δίκαιο.

Το έργο ολοκληρώνεται με συστηματική καταγραφή των σχετικών πρωτογενών πηγών και εκτενέστατη βιβλιογραφία, καθώς και αλφαβητικό ευρετήριο όρων προς διευκόλυνση του αναγνώστη.

Η μελέτη εκδίδεται από τη ΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ σε συνεργασία με τον Ευρωπαϊκό Οργανισμό Δημοσίου Δικαίου (EPLO).

Professor Christos V. Gortsos - Curriculum VitaeΣελ. VII
List of TablesΣελ. IX
List of AbbreviationsΣελ. XI
IntroductionΣελ. XIII
Section A: The European Banking Union: a comprehensive overview of its legal framework  
1. The political agenda 
1.1 The decisions of June 2012 and the European Commissionʼs initiativesΣελ. 1
1.2 The outline of the reform agenda: the main pillars of the EBUΣελ. 3
2. The EBU in a historical perspective 
2.1 From the Treaty establishing the European Community to the TFEUΣελ. 6
2.2 The 2009 de Larosi?re Report and the establishment of the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) 
2.2.1 Introductory remarksΣελ. 8
2.2.2 The European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) General overviewΣελ. 11 The three ʽEuropean Supervisory Authoritiesʼ Σελ. 11 The European Systemic Risk Board Σελ. 14 The legal basis of the Regulations on the ESFS Σελ. 14
3. Legislative actions - the new institutional and regulatory framework 
3.1 Introductory remarksΣελ. 15
3.2 Authorisation, prudential supervision and prudential regulation of credit institutions 
3.2.1 The Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM)Σελ. 15
3.2.2 The single rulebookΣελ. 16
3.3 Resolution of credit institutions 
3.3.1 The Single Resolution Mechanism and the Single Resolution Fund The legal actsΣελ. 19 The Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM)Σελ. 20 The Single Resolution Fund (SRF)Σελ. 21
3.3.2 The single rulebookΣελ. 22
3.4 Deposit guarantee schemes 
3.4.1 A Single Deposit Guarantee SchemeΣελ. 25
3.4.2 The single rulebookΣελ. 25
4. The remaining elements for a complete European Banking Union 
4.1 Introductory remarksΣελ. 29
4.2 The provision of direct public financial assistance to credit institutions by the European Stability Mechanism 
4.2.1 From indirect to direct public financial assistance by the European Stability MechanismΣελ. 29
4.2.2 The Direct Recapitalisation Instrument (DRI) Σελ. 31
4.3 The role of the ECB as a lender of last resort 
4.3.1 The status quoΣελ. 32
4.3.2 A modest proposalΣελ. 35
4.4 Winding-up of credit institutionsΣελ. 36
5. Final remarks: European banking law in the era of the European Banking Union 
5.1 The sources of European banking lawΣελ. 37
5.2 The legislative process ʽin a nutshellʼ 
5.2.1 The main law-making processΣελ. 38
5.2.2 ECB legal actsΣελ. 43
Section B: The legal framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism  
1. The SSM Regulation 
1.1 ScopeΣελ. 47
1.2 General aspects Σελ. 49
1.3 Legal basisΣελ. 53
1.4 Timetable of implementation 
1.4.1 The ruleΣελ. 55
1.4.2 Exceptional provisions that have not been activated Σελ. 57
1.5 Transitional arrangements and grandfathering clauses 
1.5.1 Transitional arrangements The individual provisions Σελ. 57 In particular: the Comprehensive Assessment Σελ. 59
1.5.2 Grandfathering clauses Actions by national competent authoritiesΣελ. 60 Continuity of existing cooperation arrangementsΣελ. 60 Member States with a derogation whose currency becomes the euroΣελ. 61
1.6 Review by the CommissionΣελ. 61
2. The other legal acts 
2.1 Regulation (EU) No 1022/2013 amending the ʽEBA Regulationʼ 
2.1.1 Objective, tasks and powers of the EBA under its statutory RegulationΣελ. 64
2.1.2 Amendments introduced to the EBA Regulation OverviewΣελ. 66 The relationship between the ECB and the EBAΣελ. 66 The EBAʼs tasks and powers revisited TasksΣελ. 67 PowersΣελ. 69 Amendments to the EBAʼs governanceΣελ. 70
2.2 Legal acts of the ECB 
2.2.1 The ECB ʽFramework Regulationʼ The provisions of the SSM RegulationΣελ. 71 The provisions of the ECB Framework Regulation: an overviewΣελ. 72
2.2.2 Other ECB legal actsΣελ. 77
2.3 Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament and the ECBΣελ. 80
2.4 Memorandum of Understanding between the Council and the ECBΣελ. 81
Section C: The main elements of the Single Supervisory Mechanism  
1. General overviewΣελ. 87
2. The structure of the SSM 
2.1 The two components of the SSM 
2.2 The ECB as the main actorΣελ. 88
2.2.1 The decisions takenΣελ. 88
2.2.2 The tasks conferred on the ECB as of 4 November 2014: an overviewΣελ. 89
2.3 The national competent authorities 
2.3.1 DefinitionΣελ. 92
2.3.2 National central banks versus national administrative authorities Σελ. 93
3. The regulatory perimeter 
3.1 The perimeter in respect of different types of financial firms 
3.1.1 Types of financial firms includedΣελ. 94
3.1.2 Types of financial firms excludedΣελ. 96
3.2 The perimeter in respect of Member StatesΣελ. 100
3.3 The perimeter in respect of credit institutions and other supervised entities 
3.3.1 Introductory remarks and general provisions From the Commissionʼs proposal to the SSM Regulation and the ECB Framework Regulation Σελ. 101 General provisions relating to the classification of a supervised entity as significant or less significant 
(I) Classification on an individual basisΣελ. 104
(II) Classification on a group basisΣελ. 105
(III) Specific provisions in respect of branches of credit institutions incorporated in non-participating Member StatesΣελ. 105
(IV) Specific provisions in respect of subsidiaries of credit institutions incorporated in non-participating Member States and third countriesΣελ. 106 Procedure for classifying supervised entities as significant supervised entitiesΣελ. 106 Classifying a supervised entity as significant 
(I) Review of the status of a supervised entityΣελ. 106
(II) Applicable procedure for determining the significance of a supervised entityΣελ. 108 Beginning and end of direct supervision by the ECB 
(I) Beginning of direct supervision by the ECBΣελ. 109
(II) End of direct supervision by the ECBΣελ. 109
(III) Reasons for ending direct supervision by the ECBΣελ. 110
(IV) Pending proceduresΣελ. 111
3.3.2 Significant supervised entities Significance on the basis of the size criterionΣελ. 113 Significance on the basis of the economic importance criterionΣελ. 113 Significance on the basis of the cross-border activities criterionΣελ. 114 Significance on the basis of the direct public financial assistance criterionΣελ. 115 Significance on the basis of the supervised entity's status as one of the three most significant credit institutions in a participating Member State Σελ. 117 The term ʽparticular circumstancesʼΣελ. 117
3.3.3 Less significant supervised entitiesΣελ. 118
4. The SSM as part of the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) 
4.1 The SSM as part of the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS)Σελ. 119
4.2 The division of objectives and tasks among the ECB, the EBA and the ESRBΣελ. 122
5. Creation of ʽChinese wallsʼ 
5.1 Introductory remarksΣελ. 124
5.2 General provisionsΣελ. 125
5.2.1 The provisions of the SSM Regulation The rules Σελ. 125 Compliance with the rules Σελ. 127
5.2.2 The provisions of ECB Decision 2014/723/EU on the implementation of separation between the monetary and supervision functions Organisational separationΣελ. 128 Professional secrecyΣελ. 129 Access to information between policy functions and classificationΣελ. 129 Exchange of confidential informationΣελ. 131
5.3 In particular: the Mediation Panel 
5.3.1 The provisions of the SSM RegulationΣελ. 132
5.3.2 The provisions of the ECB Regulation (EU) No 673/2014 Membership and internal organisation Σελ. 133 MediationΣελ. 133 Request for mediationΣελ. 133 The Case CommitteeΣελ. 135 Decision-making process Σελ. 136 Confidentiality and professional secrecyΣελ. 136
Section D: The specific supervisory tasks conferred on the ECB - Cooperation arrangements  
1. The specific supervisory tasks conferred on the ECB 
1.1 Introductory remarks 
1.1.1 Specific supervisory tasks in relation to credit institutions and other supervised entities incorporated in participating Member StatesΣελ. 137
1.1.2 Specific supervisory tasks concerning branches in participating Member States of credit institutions incorporated in non-participating Member StatesΣελ. 140
1.2 The specific tasks under Article 4, paragraph 1 of the SSM Regulation 
1.2.1 Presentation of the individual tasks Granting and withdrawal of authorisationΣελ. 141 Cross-border issuesΣελ. 141 Acquisition and disposal of ʽqualifying holdingsʼΣελ. 142 Compliance with micro-prudential regulationsΣελ. 143 Compliance with other micro-prudential requirementsΣελ. 144 Conduct of supervisory reviews and imposition of ad hoc additional requirementsΣελ. 145 Micro-prudential supervision of banking groups on a consolidated basisΣελ. 145 Supplementary supervision of financial conglomeratesΣελ. 148 Supervisory tasks in relation to recovery plans and early interventionΣελ. 148
1.2.2 Adoption of Decisions for the purpose of carrying out the tasks referred to in Article 4 Σελ. 150
1.3 The specific tasks under Article 5 of the SSM Regulation 
1.3.1 General overview Macro-prudential policies ʽin a nutshellʼ 
(I) ContentΣελ. 152
(II) Policy instrumentsΣελ. 153 Definition of macro-prudential toolsΣελ. 154 General clauseΣελ. 156
1.3.2 Use of macro-prudential tools by national authorities Substantive provisionsΣελ. 157 Procedural provisionsΣελ. 158
1.3.3 Use of macro-prudential tools by the ECB Substantive provisionsΣελ. 159 Procedural provisionsΣελ. 160
1.3.4 Adoption of Decisions for the purpose of carrying out the tasks referred to in Article 5Σελ. 160
1.4 Regulatory powers 
1.4.1 The substantive frameworkΣελ. 163
1.4.2 Procedural provisionsΣελ. 166
1.4.3 Accountability aspectsΣελ. 167
2. Cooperation within the SSM 
2.1 General principles and obligations applying to the operation of the SSM 
2.1.1 The main principles Σελ. 167
2.1.2 General obligation to exchange informationΣελ. 168
2.1.3 Other obligations imposed on the ECB and on national competent authoritiesΣελ. 169
2.1.4 Right of the ECB to instruct competent or designated national authorities to make use of their powers and to take action if the ECB has a supervisory task but no related powerΣελ. 170
2.1.5 Language regimes Language regime between the ECB and national competent authorities Σελ. 170 Language regime between the ECB and legal or natural persons, including supervised entitiesΣελ. 170
2.2 Micro-prudential supervision of significant supervised entities 
2.2.1 General provisions Joint supervisory teams: composition and tasksΣελ. 171 JST coordinator and sub-coordinatorsΣελ. 173
2.2.2 Procedures for micro-prudential supervision Micro-prudential supervision of significant supervised entities and assistance by national competent authorities 
(I) General ruleΣελ. 174
(II) Role of the national competent authorities in assisting the ECBΣελ. 174
(III) Exchange of informationΣελ. 175 Compliance with fit and proper requirements for managers Σελ. 175 Other procedures Σελ. 177
2.3 Micro-prudential supervision of less significant supervised entities 
2.3.1 The provisions of the SSM Regulation Powers and responsibilities of the ECB 
(I) General provisionsΣελ. 178
(II) In particular: direct supervision of less significant supervised entities by the ECBΣελ. 179 Responsibilities of national competent authoritiesΣελ. 180
2.3.2 The provisions of the ECB Framework Regulation General ruleΣελ. 181 Procedures for micro-prudential supervisionΣελ. 181 Notification to the ECB of material national competent authoritiesʼ supervisory procedures and material draft supervisory Decisions Σελ. 181
(I) Deterioration of the financial situation of a less significant supervised entityΣελ. 181
(II) Notification to the ECB of ʽmaterial supervisory proceduresʼΣελ. 181
(III) Notification to the ECB of ʽmaterial draft supervisory DecisionsʼΣελ. 182 Ex-post reporting by national competent authorities to the ECB Σελ. 183
3. ʽClose cooperationʼ between the ECB and the competent authorities of Member States with a derogation 
3.1 General considerationsΣελ. 183
3.2 The procedure for and the effects of the establishment of a close cooperation 
3.2.1 The procedureΣελ. 185
3.2.2 The effectsΣελ. 186
3.3 Suspension or termination of a ʽclose cooperationʼ procedure 
3.3.1 Suspension or termination based on an ECB initiativeΣελ. 188
3.3.2 Suspension or termination following an initiative of a non-euro area participating Member StateΣελ. 188
3.3.3 Suspension or termination under the provisions of Article 7, paragraph 7Σελ. 189
3.3.4 Termination under the provisions of Article 7, paragraph 8Σελ. 190
3.3.5 Procedural aspectsΣελ. 191
3.3.6 Effects of a termination DecisionΣελ. 192
4. Cooperation outside the SSM and the ESFS 
4.1 Cooperation with competent authorities of non-participating Member StatesΣελ. 193
4.2 Cooperation with national resolution authoritiesΣελ. 196
4.3 Cooperation with public financial assistance facilitiesΣελ. 198
5. International cooperation Σελ. 198
Section E: The investigatory and specific supervisory powers of the ECB  
1. General overviewΣελ. 201
2. The general principles 
2.1 Powers of the ECBΣελ. 202
2.2 Exercise of the ECB powersΣελ. 203
3. Investigatory powers 
3.1 Requests for the provision of information 
3.1.1 Addressees of requests - specifically designated persons Σελ. 204
3.1.2 Provisions on the requests themselvesΣελ. 205
3.1.3 Professional secrecyΣελ. 206
3.2 Conduct of investigationsΣελ. 207
3.3 In particular: conduct of on-site inspections 
3.3.1 The provisions of the SSM Regulation General provisionsΣελ. 208 Specific assistance obligationsΣελ. 209 Authorisation required by a judicial authorityΣελ. 209
3.3.2 The provisions of the ECB Framework Regulation ECB decision to conduct an on-site inspectionΣελ. 210 Establishment and composition of on-site inspection teamsΣελ. 211 Procedure and notification of an on-site inspectionΣελ. 211 Conduct of the on-site inspectionsΣελ. 212
4. Specific supervisory powers 
4.1 Authorisation of credit institutions 
4.1.1 Granting of an authorisation Introductory remarksΣελ. 212 Actions by the national competent authoritiesΣελ. 213 Actions by the ECBΣελ. 214 Lapsing of the authorisationΣελ. 216
4.1.2 Withdrawal of an authorisation Introductory remarksΣελ. 216 Assessment on the ECBʼs own initiativeΣελ. 217 National competent authoritiesʼ proposal to withdraw an authorisationΣελ. 217 ECB decision on the withdrawal of an authorisationΣελ. 218 Procedure for potential resolution measures to be taken by national authoritiesΣελ. 218
4.2 Assessment of acquisitions of qualifying holdings in credit institutions 
4.2.1 Introductory remarksΣελ. 220
4.2.2 Substantive provisionsΣελ. 220
4.3 Supervisory powers under Article 16 of the SSM RegulationΣελ. 222
4.4 Powers of host authorities and cooperation on consolidated supervisionΣελ. 224
4.5 Administrative penalties 
4.5.1 An overview of the legal frameworkΣελ. 225
4.5.2 Breach of regulatory requirements under EU banking law Penalties imposed by the ECB under Article 18, paragraph 1 of the SSM Regulation The conditions for the imposition of penalties Σελ. 227 The penaltiesΣελ. 228 Procedural rulesΣελ. 229 Cooperation between the ECB and national competent authorities The provisions of Article 18, paragraph 5 of the SSM RegulationΣελ. 230 The provisions of Articles 134 and 135 of the ECB Framework RegulationΣελ. 231
(I) Significant supervised entitiesΣελ. 231
(II) Reporting in respect of less significant supervised entitiesΣελ. 232
4.5.3 Breach of ECB legal acts Substantive rulesΣελ. 232 Procedural rules General overviewΣελ. 232 The provisions of Council Regulation (EC) No 2532/98Σελ. 233 The provisions of Article 129 of the ECB Framework RegulationΣελ. 234
4.5.4 Common provisions Time-limits Limitation periods for the imposition of administrative penaltiesΣελ. 235 Limitation periods for the enforcement of administrative penalties Σελ. 235 Publication of Decisions imposing administrative penaltiesΣελ. 236 Exchange of information with the EBAΣελ. 237 Criminal offencesΣελ. 237 Proceeds from penalties Σελ. 237
Section F: Organisational principles  
1. General overviewΣελ. 239
2. The new governance structure 
2.1 The Supervisory Board 
2.1.1 Introductory remarksΣελ. 240
2.1.2 Composition General provisions Σελ. 241 In particular: appointment and removal of the Chair and the Vice-Chair Appointment and selection proceduresΣελ. 243
(I) The provisions of the SSM RegulationΣελ. 243
(II) The provisions of Section II of the EP-ECB Interinstitutional AgreementΣελ. 244
(III) The provisions of Section II of the Council-ECB Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)Σελ. 245 Removal Σελ. 246 In particular: appointment and removal of the four representatives of the ECB Σελ. 247
2.1.3 Supporting structures: the Steering Committee and the Secretariat The Steering CommitteeΣελ. 248 The SecretariatΣελ. 249
2.1.4 Provisions on decision-makingΣελ. 249
2.1.5 Duties General provisionsΣελ. 250 Provisions pertaining to non-euro area participating Member StatesΣελ. 251
2.1.6 The Code of Conduct for the members of the Supervisory BoardΣελ. 252
2.2 Internal structure of the ECB with regard to its supervisory tasks and new composition of Eurosystem/ESCB CommitteesΣελ. 254
2.3 The Administrative Board of Review 
2.3.1 General aspectsΣελ. 255
2.3.2 Composition and related issues Σελ. 256
2.3.3 Request for the review of a DecisionΣελ. 258
2.3.4 ReviewΣελ. 260
2.3.5 Decision-making process Opinion on the review by the Administrative BoardΣελ. 261 Preparation of a new draft Decision by the Supervisory BoardΣελ. 261 NotificationΣελ. 262
3. Aspects of independence 
3.1 Introductory remarksΣελ. 262
3.2 Institutional independence 
3.2.1 The main provisions of the SSM RegulationΣελ. 264
3.2.2 The provisions of the Code of Conduct for the members of the Supervisory Board Σελ. 264
3.3 Financial independence 
3.3.1 BudgetΣελ. 265
3.3.2 Financial resources - supervisory fees Scope of application Σελ. 266 Level of feesΣελ. 267 Other provisionsΣελ. 267 ECB Regulation (EU) No 1163/2014 on supervisory feesΣελ. 268
4. Accountability of the ECB vis-?-vis EU institutions and national parliaments 
4.1 Accountability vis-?-vis EU institutions 
4.1.1 Introductory remarksΣελ. 269
4.1.2 The specific provisions Annual ReportΣελ. 271 Hearings and confidential oral discussions Σελ. 272 Responding to questionsΣελ. 274 Access to information Σελ. 274 Safeguarding ECB classified information and documents Σελ. 275 Investigations Σελ. 275 Requirement on the Court of AuditorsΣελ. 277
4.2 Accountability vis-?-vis national parliamentsΣελ. 277
5. Due process for adopting supervisory Decisions 
5.1 The frameworkΣελ. 278
5.2 ECB supervisory procedures 
5.2.1 General rulesΣελ. 279
5.2.2 The right to be heard Σελ. 280
5.2.3 The right of access to the ECBʼs files Σελ. 281
5.3 ECB supervisory Decisions Σελ. 282
6. Other organisational principles 
6.1 Reporting of breaches 
6.1.1 Introductory remarksΣελ. 283
6.1.2 Entitled personsΣελ. 283
6.1.3 Procedures for the receipt and follow-up of reportsΣελ. 284
6.1.4 Appropriate protection for reportsΣελ. 285
6.2 Professional secrecy of the members of the Supervisory Board and of the ECB staff - exchange of information 
6.2.1 Professional secrecyΣελ. 285
6.2.2 Exchange of informationΣελ. 287
6.3 ECB human resources - exchange and secondment of staff 
6.3.1 OverviewΣελ. 288
6.3.2 The general provisions of the SSM RegulationΣελ. 288
6.3.3 In particular: establishment of formal procedures The provisions of the SSM RegulationΣελ. 289 The provisions of the Code of Conduct for the members of the Supervisory BoardΣελ. 290 The provisions of the revised Ethics Framework Σελ. 292
Section G: Concluding remarks and assessments  
1. The new EU regulatory and supervisory framework: a general overview 
1.1 The main elements of the new regulatory and supervisory framework 
1.1.1 Regulatory responses to the recent (2007-2009) international financial crisisΣελ. 293
1.1.2 Regulatory responses to the current fiscal crisis in the euro areaΣελ. 296
1.2 The threat of over-regulationΣελ. 297
1.3 Resilience of the new framework Σελ. 298
1.4 A brief cost-benefit analysis 
1.4.1 The benefitsΣελ. 301
1.4.2 The costsΣελ. 304
1.5 An assessmentΣελ. 304
2. In particular: an evaluation of the SSM framework 
2.1 General considerationsΣελ. 307
2.2 A brief cost-benefit analysis 
2.2.1 The benefitsΣελ. 310
2.2.2 The (potential) risks and costsΣελ. 312
3. A final assessmentΣελ. 314
Primary sources  
A. International Law 
1. Basel Committee on Banking SupervisionΣελ. 323
2. Financial Stability BoardΣελ. 324
B. EU Law 
1. TreatiesΣελ. 324
2. Regulations 
2.1 Regulations of the CouncilΣελ. 325
2.2 Regulations of the European Parliament and of the CouncilΣελ. 326
3. Directives of European Parliament and of the CouncilΣελ. 327
4. Directives of the CouncilΣελ. 330
5. Legal acts of the ECB 
5.1 RegulationsΣελ. 330
5.2 DecisionsΣελ. 331
5.3 Other Σελ. 332
6. Other (in chronological order) Σελ. 333
Secondary sources Σελ. 337
Appendix Σελ. 387
Index Σελ. 391
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